

Kiowa Tribal Museum

category : Museums
The most important display in the Kiowa Tribal Museum is of 10 large mural panels around the room. They were executed by three Kiowa artists selected by the tribe. Many will remember the "Kiowa Five" artists were taken to the University of Oklahoma in the 1930s to study in the art department. they were Stephen Mopope, James Auchiah, Monroe Tsatoke, Spencer Asa, and Jack Hokeah.

Parker Boyiddle was chosen to do three panels on the creation of the Kiowa Tribe. Mirac Creepingbear created three panels on the ceremonies and early life of the tribe. Sherman Chaddlesone painted his three panels on the present contemporary tribe of today. The three artists then combined to do a panel about the Kiowa Tribe.

Boyiddle live in Colorado, Chaddlesone lives in Anadarko, and Creepingbear died a few years ago.

Kiowa artifacts and items have been loaned to the museum by tribal members to display. They also keep a supply of Kiowa books such as Kiowa Voices, volumes I and II (Collectors only), The Ten Grandmothers, The Kiowa, Bad Medicine and Good, and Way to Rainey Mountain.

Admission: Free Admission
Hours: Monday through Friday, 10 am to 6:30 pm
Rest of the year, 9 am to 5 pm
Appointments for Weekends and special tours
Address: Located in the Kiowa Tribal Complex, west side of Carnegie on Highway 9
Phone: 580-654-2300

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