Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion
Starting date:
Ending date:
Event Details

Erie is famous for its annual Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion held during the third week of July, including the annual Free Beanfeed. Over 1400 pounds of beans are cooked in more than 50 iron kettles on the courthouse lawn by the American Legion Post. Other events include the Rodeo held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings during Reunion Week. The Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion culminates on Friday night when Mainstreet Memories brings in Country and Western Recording Artists from Nashville each year.
To check out the entertainment click on link below.
Old Soldiers and Sailors Reunion
Phone : 620-244-3461 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address : eriechamber@gmail.com
Web: www.lovesmalltownamerica.com/erieks/