Fiesta Septiembre
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Event Details

On the first Saturday in September, Wickenburg celebrates its Hispanic heritage. Enjoy folklorico dancers, mariachi music, mercado, a salsa-making contest, arts and crafts booths, and a tasty food fair. 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
Fiesta Septiembre
Phone : 928-684-5479 (Always call and confirm events.)
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Western Sculpture
"Thanks For The Rain" The life-size bronze sculpture was created by Joe Beeler in 1988
Wickenburg, AZ ArtsNature Conservancy - Hassayampa River Preserve
A special piece of Arizona's natural environment is being protected and restored at the Hassayampa River Preserve near Wickenburg. For most of its 100
Wickenburg, AZ Conservation AreasVulture Peak
Vulture Peak Trail is a short but steep trail that takes hikers from the base of Vulture Peak (2,480 feet) to a saddle (3,420 feet) just below the summit in only two miles. From this point, experienced hikers can "scramble" up an extremely steep and narrow "chute"
Wickenburg, AZ Hiking TrailsHassayampa Building
The Venetta Hotel, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was built in 1905 specifically to serve overnight railroad passengers and early day tourists to the Wickenburg area and Castle Hot Springs. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith contracted one of Arizona'
Wickenburg, AZ Historic HotelsOld Post Office
The Old Brick Post Office was built in 1930 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Before the time of the boardwalks, a single window served the people arriving on horseback to get their mail. This may have been the forerunner of the "drive - up window!"
Wickenburg, AZ Historic Buildings