

Annual Grace Fellowship Car Show - Motors for Mission

Starting date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 641-780-4285

Event Details

Come early for a freewill pancake breakfast before the show! Rain or Shine, plus, a Silent Auction. Dash Plaques to the first 50 cars. TROPIES FOR 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

ENTRY FEE $10 Pre-Register or $15 Day of Show (all proceeds of the day go towards mission trips)

Registration 7:00 AM-11:00AM
Judging by show participants at 1:00 PM
Dash Plaques to the first 50 cars

Annual Grace Fellowship Car Show - Motors for Mission

Address : 2497 Old Highway 163 East Pella IA
Phone : 641-780-4285   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :

Admission Fee : $10 pre-entry $15 day of show

Car Shows

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Vermeer Museum & Global Pavilion

The museum chronicles the history of Vermeer Manufacturing and the development of its agricultural products such as the round baler, and industrial construction equipment including trenchers, boring equipment and environmental equipment.

Pella, IA Museums

Scholte House

Built by Pella's founder, Dominie Scholte, in 1847. View original furnishings and fine household items from Holland as well as original family furnishings purchased in America. Colorful gardens contain thousands of tulips and other flowers. Dutch Tea, tour and coffee time available by reservation. Pella, IA Historic Homes

The Klokkenspel

Designed and created especially for Pella, the carillon clock has eight, 4-foot mechanical figures and 147

Pella, IA One Of A Kinds

Pella Rolscreen Museum

Former rail passenger depot houses a variety of exhibits about Pella Corporation, formerly known as the Rolscreen Company, manufacturer of premium-quality windows and doors.

Pella, IA Museums

Things to do near Pella, IA