Associated Antiques Dealers of America Antique Show
Starting date:
Ending date:
Event Details
The Antique show has approximately 55 dealers from 15-18 states and Canada showing Art Glass, Furniture, Silver, Porcelain, Cut Glass, Antique jewelry and Art Pottery and Paintings. Always the weekend following Mother's Day, 10-6 Friday; 10-5 Saturday 11-4 Sunday
Associated Antiques Dealers of America Antique Show
Phone : 386-822-0557 (Always call and confirm events.)
Fax : 217-546-5844
Email Address :
Antique Shows
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Illinois Executive Mansion
Home of the Illinois Governor, the mansion is the third oldest, continuously occupied Governor'
Springfield, IL Famous HomesOld State Capitol State Historic Site
The Old State Capitol is a reconstruction of Illinois' fifth statehouse, the first to be located in Springfield. The building served as the seat of state government and a center of Illinois political life from 1839-1876
Springfield, IL Historic SitesWorld War II Illinois Veterans Memorial
The focal point of the World War II Illinois Veterans Memorial is a globe of the world symbolizing the conflict that involved more than 200 nations. More than 70
Springfield, IL Memorials