Quilt show - Naperville Quilts! 2013
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Ending date:
Event Details
Riverwalk Quilters Guild presents: Naperville Quilts! 2013. We plan to display over 300 quilts made by members including our beautiful opportunity quilt, and quilts from our 2012-2013 Member Quilt Challenge, "Along the Riverwalk". Amy Walsh and Janine Burke of Blue Underground Studios are our featured quilters for the show. In addition to the quilts on display, there will be:
• Merchant Mall (~20 vendors)
• Stunning raffle baskets (~ 15 baskets)
• Philanthropy display and raffle quilt (a special quilt made with a Blue Underground Studio pattern, pieced and quilted by volunteer guild members that will benefit our philanthropy efforts)
• Demonstrations
• Drawings hourly
• Special Friday night events (ribbon cutting by Mayor Pradel of Naperville, a special Naperville-themed raffle basket drawing, mini lecture on color by Blue Underground Studios)
Quilt show - Naperville Quilts! 2013
Email Address : info@riverwalkquilters.com
Web: www.riverwalkquilters.com
Quilt Shows
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Odyssey Fun World - Naperville
Family entertainment center and restaurant. Out of this world family fun featuring a four-level indoor playland, rides, laser tag, interactive video/prize redemption/games. Paintball coming soon. Caters to birthday parties, groups and walk-ins.
Naperville, IL Fun CentersNaper Settlement - A 19th Century Village
Chicagoland's only 19th Century Village with historic homes, shops, a chaple, fort and one-room schoolhouse in a 13
Naperville, IL MuseumsFifth Avenue Station and Taylor Brewing Company
This beautiful, renovated furniture factory is listed in the National Register of Historic Places
Naperville, IL Historic BuildingsCountry Lakes Golf Club
Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7