St Louis FirebirdFest '21
Starting date:
Ending date:
Event Details

Our local St Louis group, called the I-55 Firebirds Car Club, is giving back to FIRST RESPONDERS in a big way! The FirebirdFest was created to help give back and honor our First Responders!
Approximately 20% of all proceeds will be donated at our final ceremony on Sunday to give back to Backstoppers Inc and also the CCCO Central County Community Outreach program, started by the St Peters, Mo Firefighters!
St Louis FirebirdFest '21 has been in the works for months and yesterday we called in a couple special friends to help us announce this to the masses! Sheriff Buford T Justice arrived in style chasing the bandit!
It's a jam packed 3 day weekend event the weekend before Memorial Day. It will involve a busy schedule including the following:
- Grafton Ferry River Jump!
- Smokey and the Bandit Drive in night!
- 5 Firebird only car shows!
- Firebird 1967-2002 Legacy Cruise!
- Worldwide Technology Raceway 70 mph cruise on the Nascar/Indy Track!
- Tickets to Nostalgia Drag race night at WWT Raceway where we will be on display in front of their race fans!
- Private museum tours into National Transportation Museum and Lewis and Clark Museum on the riverfront in St Charles!
- 200 miles of cruising!
- Buford, Bandit, and Snowman rig here to share event with you all 3 days!
- Freedom Flag parade at WWTR!
- Drone Video pilot coverage!
- Free 8x10 enhanced professional photo of your Firebird taken at our Hooters photo booth by well known car photographer David Fernandez!
- Salute to First Responders ceremony at our Farewell ceremony in St Peters, Mo!
And much more!!
Our title sponsor Gateway Classic Cars of O'Fallon, Illinois helped us by filming us discussing the FirebirdFest '21 event! Buford got word that the Bandit would be coming and decided to make the trip north to help us make this big announcement!
HOW CAN YOU HELP OUR CAUSE? Gas up your Firebird and make the trip to St Louis, Mo. May 21-23! The detailed schedule is posted on our web site where you can now register!
Cost per car/driver only $119
Car/driver plus 1 passenger (13 and older) $168
Car/driver plus 2 passengers (13 and older) $217
Car/driver plus 3 passengers (13 and older) $266
FAMILY FRIENDLY EVENT!! All kids 12 and under come for FREE and receive all benefits listed above! Let's keep teaching these young ones the importance of these awesome classics with some quality family time!
Go to to get registered before we are full!!
St Louis FirebirdFest '21
Phone : 618-799-8878 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address :
Car Shows