Flint Hills Ranch Rodeo
Starting date:
Event Details
Come out and experience the Flint Hills Ranch Rodeo September16th at the Strong City Rodeo Grounds.
Spectators can witness first-hand the skills and talents of area cowboys and cowgirls, as ranch teams compete against each other throughout the weekend.
Events based on the type of work they do every day, such as team penning, doctoring, trailer loading, tie down, steer branding and stray gathering will highlight the speed and abilities of each team.
The action packed event kicks off at 9 am on SATURDAY, September 24, with the Midwest Ranch Horse Association’s Working Horse Competition. Followed by the UHCA Colt Futurity event at 1 pm.
The Co-Ed Rodeo begins at 4 pm followed by the Men’s Rodeo at 7 pm.
SUNDAY, September 25, the UHCA Horseman’s Challenge begins at 9 am
Flint Hills Ranch Rodeo
Phone : 620-366-1618 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address : info@flinthillsrodeo.org
Web: www.FlintHillsRodeo.org
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