Flames in the Flint Hills Outdoor Adventure
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Event Details
Once a year, the Kansas Flint Hills are alight with fire - an annual rite of Spring. Range land is burned to fertilize the soil and promote new growth. Prairie chickens are boooming - singing and dancing their ancient mating ritual.
Experience this dramatic pageant first hand with this package of outdoor events in the heart of the scenic Kansas Flint Hills.
You will get a taste of the pioneer life with a covered wagon ride and campfire brunch with Country Boys Carriage Rides and Prairie Adventures at the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve . You will burn the prairie at Josh and Gwen Hoy of the Flying W Ranch. They have been hosting this event for the past 5 years.
Flames in the Flint Hills Outdoor Adventure
Phone : 620-274-4357. (Always call and confirm events.)
Web: www.flinthillsflyingw.com/events
Trail Rides
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Roniger Memorial Museum
The Roniger Brothers, Frank and George, were born in Highland, Madison County, Illinois. They came to Chase County, Kansas, in 1885.
The museum was built to house the Roniger collection of Indian artifacts and other Chase County historical articles and artifacts.
The Roniger Brothers'
Cottonwood Falls, KS MuseumsChase County Courthouse
[Chase County Courthouse] The picturesque Chase County Courthouse, the oldest in use in Kansas today, was built during 1871-73 in the Renaissance style of the Louis XIII period. The 113
Cottonwood Falls, KS Historic CourthousesCamp Wood YMCA
CAMP WOOD YMCA is a precious gem of the Kansas Flint Hills. Where else can you experience the many treasures offered by the Tallgrass Prairie. Situated on 630 acres of native grassland, Camp Wood is bordered on the north by the Cottonwood River, with our 19
Cottonwood Falls, KS Outdoor ActivitiesChase County Historical Society Museum & Library
The building that houses the Chase County Historical Society Museum and Library is one of 9 places in Chase County which has been entered on the National Register of Historic Places. The two story building, constructed of native stone, was built in 1882
Cottonwood Falls, KS Museums