

Messiah Festival of the Arts

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Event# 785-227-3380

Event Details

Messiah Festival of the Arts

Beautiful Presser Hall Auditorium is large enough that Handel’s Messiah WILL be performed on Easter Sunday with socially distanced and masked full orchestra and chorus!

-All events will be livestreamed!

EASTER WEEK - The Messiah Festival of Music & Art since 1882. Presentations of Handel's "Messiah" and Bach's "St. Matthew's Passion" plus recitals, concerts and art exhibitions. Reserved seating. The Messiah Festival of Music and Art takes place during Holy Week. Messiah Festival of the Arts is the longest-running performances of Handel's Messiah in North America.

Performances are Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday at 3pm. Bach's St. Matthew Passion is presented on Good Friday at 7:30pm.

Also, art exhibits will be around town and on campus.

Messiah Festival of the Arts

Address : Presser Hall, Bethany College Campus Lindsborg KS
Phone : 785-227-3380   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :

Admission Fee : Varies

Music Festivals

Attractions and Upcoming Events

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