All Year Lyons High School Reuninon
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Ending date:
Event Details
A return to Yesteryear with nostalgia galore.
Social events everyday, evening events, Golfing and more
Fun to be had by the events of the mind (remembering).
All School, All years reunion in Lyons, KS
All Year Lyons High School Reuninon
Phone : 408-252-1901 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address :
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Santa Fe Trail Historic Driving Tour
Marker Cottonwood - This giant cottonwood tree, believed to be more than 200 years old, served as a marker to guide travelers to the upper crossing of the Arkansas River. Upper and Lower Crossings of The Little Arkansas River
Lyons, KS ToursFather Padilla Cross and Historic Marker
This cross was erected in 1950 by the Kansas Knights of Columbus to honor Father Juan Padilla who accompanied Coronado to Kansas in 1541. He returned in 1542
Lyons, KS LandmarksCoronado Quivira Museum
Sponsored by the Rice County Historical Society, the Coronado Quivira Museum has on display artifacts representing the Quiviran Indian culture, Coronado's journey to this area in 1541, the Santa Fe Trail, 1821 to 1872, and Rice County, 1902
Lyons, KS MuseumsRice County Courthouse
The historic Rice County Courthouse built of red brick and featuring a four directional clock tower was built in 1910
Lyons, KS Historic CourthousesBuffalo Bill Mathewson's Well
In 1863, "Buffalo" Bill Mathewson opened a trading post next to Cow Creek Crossing. His hand-dug, 34
Lyons, KS Landmarks