

Annual Antique Auto Swap Meet

Starting date:
Ending date:

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Event# 785-843-2222

Event Details

The swap meet is always held the first full weekend in May. It provides buyers the opportunity to seek those hard-to-find parts and sellers to part with surplus inventory. We use proceeds to provide scholarships to local high school graduates, donations to social service organizations and provide Christmas to some senior citizens. Arts, Crafts, Vendors!

Sponsored by the Lawrence Region Antique Automobile Club of America. Kansas' largest swap meet, automotive & related items only.
Time: Friday: 1 p.m. - Dark; Sat 6:30am-Dark; Sun 7am-2pm.

For Vendors: $40 per space (advance), $50 per space (at gate).


Annual Antique Auto Swap Meet

Address : Douglas County Fairgrounds, 21st & Harper Lawrence KS
Phone : 785-843-2222   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :

Admission Fee : Public Free. Parking $5 per vehicle.

Car Shows

Attractions and Upcoming Events

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Kansas University

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Opera House/Liberty Hall

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Stan Herd Earth Art

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