Pete "Fritz" Felten, Jr. was born and raised in Hays. Pete was a track star and expert swimmer in high school and spent one year at Fort Hays State College. His interest in art and sculpting began during his time of service in the U.S. Navy between 1952 and 1956
Hays, KS ArtsRolling Plains Motor Speedway - RPM'S Ellis County Fairgrounds 1344 Fairground Road Hays, KS 67601 785-639-RACE (7223) Promoter, Rod Bencken, 785-672-0123 Track email Hours: Varies - Races generally start at 7:30 pm Admission: Call for gate fees.
Hays, KS RacingA self-guided driving tour to over 30 locations throughout the community provides the opportunity to see some of the most important landmarks, historic sites and points of interest in Hays. The tour begins at 27th &
Hays, KS Historic Markers