

Annual Wichita River Festival

Starting date:
Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 316-267-2817

Event Details

Nine-day festival with events and activities for all ages including outdoor concerts, arts/crafts, games, traveling exhibits, food, athletic activities and fireworks. Various times.

Annual Wichita River Festival

Address : Downtown Wichita Wichita KS
Phone : 316-267-2817   (Always call and confirm events.)



Attractions and Upcoming Events

Museum of World Treasures

Experience a trip through time at one of the most interesting and exciting museums in America. You'

Wichita, KS Museums

Kansas Sports Hall of Fame

The KSHOF formerly housed in Abilene, Kansas is now located in Wichita, Kansas. The tour begins with a dynamic 3-screen video highlighting many Kansas heroes and greatest moments. Next is the basketball gallery where visitors come face-to-face with some of the most legendary figures in the sport.

Wichita, KS Halls of Fame

The Mid-America All Indian Center

The Mid-America All-Indian Center preserves the heritage of the American Indian tribes of North America and is located at the confluence of the Big and Little Arkansas Rivers, on land where the Wichita tribe camped more than 100 years ago.

Wichita, KS Museums

The Orpheum Theatre

The Orpheum Theatre in Wichita, Kansas represents one of the finest remaining examples of atmospheric school of theatre architecture which was developed during the first part of the 1900's. There were two major schools of design:

Wichita, KS Theatres

Things to do near Wichita, KS