Summer Show: Carteret County Arts & Crafts Coalition
Starting date:
Ending date:
Event Details
Juried show and sale of arts and crafts of coastal artisans. Four shows occur throughout the year during holidays: Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day and Thanksgiving which is a Christmas exhibition that shows for three weeks. All but the Christmas show occur at the Beaufort Historic Site.
Summer Show: Carteret County Arts & Crafts Coalition
Turner St.
Beaufort NC
Phone : (252)729-9311 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address :
Arts and Crafts Shows
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Outer Island Kayak Adventures
Guided sea kayak tours and professional instruction is offered on the southern Outer Banks in the Cape Lookout National Seashore. These undeveloped islands are the perfect place for exploring by kayak. Day trips, camping overnights and bed & breakfast inn trips are offered. Call 252-222-3420
Beaufort, NC ExcursionsLangdon House
Four guest rooms, each with private bath, are offered with the personalized attention of host Jimm Prest in this Colonial/Federal home in Beaufort'
Beaufort, NC BusinessesClawson's 1905 Restaurant & Pub
Interesting period atmosphere and varied menus for lunch and dinner. Coffee bar and pastries are offered early each morning. Great beer selection, cigars, private group accommodations.
Beaufort, NC Businesses
Beaufort Old Burying Ground
Located in the 400 block of Ann Street in Beaufort's Historic District, the oldest of the town's cemeteries was established in the early 1700s and was closed by the General Assembly in 1825, fully occupied. The town disagreed, however, and continued burying its loved ones there until the early 1900
Beaufort, NC Historic Forts