

Heritage Farm Fest

Starting date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 252-333-5540

Event Details

Whether you grew up on a farm or have just wondered what it was like to grow up on one, you won't to miss this year's Heritage Farm Fest. Step back in time as you wander through the Heritage Village. Watch as skilled artisans perform the trades of a bygone era. Learn about Blacksmiths, Shingle Making, and Notorious Moonshiners. Sample wonderful heritage foods. Witness teams of mighty draft horses as they move effortlessly by hands and voices of their drivers. Go back to simpler times as you see and hear the antique tractors and equipment in action. The day will be filled with old-fashioned, family-friendly fun.

8:30 - 9:50 am - Registration of Tractors, Animals and Heritage Demonstrations
10:00 am - Downtown Edenton Parade begins at John A. Holmes High School
11:15 am - Parade returns to John A. Holmes High School Campus
11:00 am - 4 pm Main Events

Heritage Farm Fest

Address : John A. Holmes High School Edenton NC
Phone : 252-333-5540   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :

Admission Fee : Free


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