

Grecian Festival

Starting date:
Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# (919)682-1414

Event Details

Three days in Greece with dance performances, artwork, silent aution, jewelry and souvenir vendors, homemade Greek food and pastries. 5/02 5-9pm; 5/03 11am-9pm; 5/04 11am-8pm. Event is at East Chapel Hill High School.

Grecian Festival

Address :
500 Weaver Dairy Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Chapel Hill NC
Phone : (919)682-1414   (Always call and confirm events.)

Admission Fee : Fee


Attractions and Upcoming Events

Sutton's Drug Store

A small counter and a few booths in an old drugstore, but Sutton'

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North Carolina Collection Gallery

The Gallery's holdings include antique furniture, portraits, statuary, UNC keepsakes, political memorabalia, ship models and Napoleon's death mask. Exhibits explore Sir Walter Raleigh and the English voyages to Roanoke Island, the North Carolina gold rush, 19

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Bub O'Malley's

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Community Guest Quarters

Located in a lovely and quiet rural setting, this unique venue offers two very private, fully furnished extended stay units with your choice of a one bedroom apartment or a studio. Both of the units have kitchenettes. Non-smoking only. Weekly rentals available. Send email to request photos.

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