Coffee on the Porch
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Event Details
Historical displays, artifacts and information for everyone. 9:30-11:30am.
Coffee on the Porch
Phone : 402-374-1505 (Always call and confirm events.)
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Attractions and Upcoming Events
Burt County Museum
The Burt County Museum is located in the E.C. Houston House built for Emsley Clinton Houston. Houston was the owner and founder of the Houston Lumber Company in Tekamah and also served as vice president of the First National Bank of
Tekamah, NE MuseumsMaster's Hand Candle Company Serendipity Chocolate Factory
Located along the Louis & Clark Scenic Byway, your ADVENTURE starts here! Serendipity Chocolate Factory and Master's Hand Candle Company~ Tons of fun and adventure under 1 roof! Watch as we show you the lost art of chocolate making! We may even ask you to join in and experience the fun!
Tekamah, NE ToursNolana School
The one-room schoolhouse is located on the grounds of the Burt County Museum. It was built in 1903, and was formerly known as the Nolana School in rural Burt County, It was moved to the museum complex in 1988.
Tekamah, NE Historic SchoolhousesSpielman House - NHR
The Spielman House, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has been owned by Delmar and Elaine Chamberlain since 1981 and exhibits both Queen Anne and NeoClassical Revival detailing in its design. Built in 1906, the house boasts 14
Tekamah, NE National RegisterJohn Henry Stork Log House - NHR
John Henry Stork came to Burt County from Prussia in 1864 and settled on a farm in Arizona Precinct near Tekamah. Stork later built the log house and in September 1871 received his homestead patent from the U.S.
Tekamah, NE National Register