Nifty 50's Show-n-Shine Car Show
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Nifty 50's Show-n-Shine Car Show
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This brick structure, faced on three sides with stone, was constructed in 1913, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is the second to last library to be built with funds donated by Andrew Carnegie. It now contains over 7,712 volumes.
Ponca, NE National Register
Union Memorial - "Sacred to the memory of the boys who wore the blue from 1861 - 1865.
Loss of Lives: North, 359,529 -- South, 349,556"
Foreign Wars Memorial - "Soldiers who died overseas - Dixon County"
Ponca, NE Memorials
The wild west era where famous outlaws, horse thieves, lynch mobs and lawmen ruled is past. Today, along the Outlaw Trail, travelers are greeted by friendly folks as well as plenty of quiet hideaways.
Ponca, NE Trails
The blacksmith shop was built in 1901 by C.O. Cook, who operated his business for over thirty years. The building, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Ponca, NE Museums
This has been the homeland of the Ponca Indians since earliest recorded history. In 1866, the Federal government signed the treaty of Fort Laramie, which transferred the land to the Sioux without the permission of the Ponca. Treaties made with the government in 1856
Ponca, NE Indian Heritage