The Fells Garden Tour-Village and Hillside: Unique Gardens of Warner, NH
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Event Details
A selection of ten choice private gardens in Warner, NH, are included on the 2010 Fells Garden Tour. The town of Warner, a pleasant and picturesque village with neatness and thrift evident in all the surroundings is situated in the Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region of New Hampshire, a quick 30 minutes northwest of Concord, and 40 minutes southeast of Lebanon and the Lakes Region. You will be treated to a variety of unique gardens and styles--including a NH certified organic CSA, charming historic gardens in the Waterloo District, sweeping views from gardens on prestigious Pumpkin Hill, an artist's garden and shop, "a garden among the rocks," and a lovely compact garden and private patio in the town village. Conclude the tour in the historic Waterloo district with refreshments on the tavern lawn, where Paul Proulx will speak on the history of the area and its connection to Fells founder, John Hay. While in Waterloo stroll past beautiful historic homes, cross a covered bridge to the Warner River and railroad station and continue along a picturesque walking trail. Tour headquarters is the Telephone Museum located at 22 East Main Street, Warner. Tickets: $25 day of tour; $20 in advance. Available online June 1 at and at select retail locations.
The Fells Garden Tour-Village and Hillside: Unique Gardens of Warner, NH
Phone : 603-763-4789 x3 (Always call and confirm events.)
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Garden Tours
Attractions and Upcoming Events
MainStreet BookEnds of Warner
MainStreet BookEnds of Warner is a family owned book store with an attached barn/gallery/performance center. BookEnds hosts an average of 300 events each year including concerts. slide shows, art shows, authors, yoga &
Warner, NH Other Attractions