Auditing the Human Resource Function
Starting date:
Event Details
Course Description:
This seminar will cover auditing human resources practices for compliance and liability to help identify and correct any areas that may not comply with applicable laws and/or do not comply with company policies. This action not only is a means to perform "due diligence" for your company, but is a measuring tool to determine what needs to be improved to achieve a higher standard of excellence.
Note: We have also scheduled a full-day seminar on "Human Resource Metrics" for the next day, September 21st, at the same location. Sign-up for both days and save 10% on registration.
Click here to register for both days.
(Call Customer Care at +1-888-717-2436).
Event Details:
Date: September 20, 2012
Time: 09:00 AM-05:00 PM EDT
Cost: $349 : Seminar One Registration
Group Registrations :Call Toll Free +1-888-717-2436
Registration: SIgn-Up on-line now. Add to your shopping cart.
Auditing the Human Resource Function
Phone : +1-650-620-3915 (Always call and confirm events.)
Fax : +1-650-963-2556
Email Address :