The Annual Fried Green Tomato Festival
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Event Details

Come out early for good parking and seating! You may even want to enter into the ever-growing Classic Bike and Car Shows (trophies and two $100 cash prizes awarded at 4 pm), or stroll the grounds enjoying the entertainment (Electric Voodoo starts at 1 pm, and Bad Habit's starts at 5 pm), while patronizing the diverse vendors and enjoying our great burgers and lasting festival memories (that's why we've gotten so large!). The number one reason to get here is of course, the basis for this charitable event - FRIED GREEN TOMATO'S and THE MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION. Bring your appetites and lawn chairs. NO COOLERS. This annual event will go on all day and into the evening. Dance to Iron Hill playing at 8 p.m. This annual event will go on all day and into the late evening.
The Annual Fried Green Tomato Festival
Phone : 803-867-2388 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address :
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