Newell Labor Day Rodeo
Starting date:
Ending date:
Event Details

Newell has a big Labor Day celebration every year. It started with a rodeo over 40 years ago and
today's celebration now encompasses 3-4 days with activities such as a parade down Main Street, a street dance, tractor pull, show and shine car show, local gardener’s flower show, foot races at the city park, and rodeo complete with a queen contest.
1:00 p.m. Bareback Riding, Saddle Bronc, Bull Riding, Steer Riding, Junior and Senior Barrels, Ladies Breakaway Roping, Old Mans Breakaway, Calf Roping, Family Team Roping, Sheep teepeeing, and Mutton Busting
Newell Labor Day Rodeo
Phone : 605-456-3297 (Always call and confirm events.)
Attractions and Upcoming Events
Newell Golf Course
Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 3