

Holidays in Gruene- Photos with Cowboy Kringle

Starting date:
Ending date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 830-629-0777

Event Details

Gruene's own brand of Santa will be featured for photos with kids during the entire Thanksgiving weekend. Packages available. For information call (830) 629-5077 or toll free from San Antonio (830) 606-1601.

Holidays in Gruene- Photos with Cowboy Kringle

Address : 1281 Gruene Road New Braunfels TX
Phone : 830-629-0777   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :



Attractions and Upcoming Events

New Braunfels Conservation Plaza

Since its inception in June of 1964, the New Braunfels Conservation Society has worked to preserve the priceless buildings and artifacts of our distint heritage. The non-profit organization is open to all who are interested in preserving the natural beauty of our community and its proud ancestry.

New Braunfels, TX Museums

Museum of Texas Handmade Furniture

Take a drive back into history when you enter the limestone entrance of the 11.5

New Braunfels, TX Museums

Downtown New Braunfels

Shop. Antiques to formals, flowers to furniture, art to accessories to specialties. Play. Enjoy a relaxing meal with the family, a night out with friends or both! Stay. Tired out?

New Braunfels, TX Downtown Districts

Landa Park Municipal Golf Course

Course Access: Public
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 2

New Braunfels, TX Golf Courses

Things to do near New Braunfels, TX