

Mike Dunn's Milwaukee Miniature Motors Toy Show

Starting date:

Always call # confirm
Event# 262-366-1314

Event Details

The Milwaukee Miniature Motors show was first started way back in the mid 1970's by Mike Dunn. It is by far one of the continuously longest running shows of it's type in the entire Midwest!

Over 150 tables of your favorite cool classic collectible toys

Die Cast Cars, Racing Collectibles, Plastic Model Kits,
New & Vintage Hot Wheels, Slot Cars, Promo Cars, Match Box,
Corgi, Tonka, Smith-Miller, and many unusual and interesting items!!!

Mike Dunn's Milwaukee Miniature Motors Toy Show

Address : Waukesha County Expo Center Forum Building, 1000 Northview Road Waukesha WI
Phone : 262-366-1314   (Always call and confirm events.)

Email Address :

Admission Fee : Admission: $10. Under 12 free with adult. Preview admission 7:30 am $25.

Toy Shows

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