HoPWF at the Apollo Civic Theatre
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Event Details
HoPWF MAKES IT'S RETURN TO THE APOLLO THEATER IN MARTINSBURG, WV., WITH FANTASIA, JOHN RAMBO, DOINK The HoPWF will be returning to the historic Apollo Theater in downtown Martinsburg. Signed for this event are former NWA Tag Team Champion & New England Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame star John Rambo, International & TV women's wrestling star, Fantasia, Doink, SWA owner Mike Hay and stars from the HoPWF and SWA. Bell time is set for 7:30PM and reservations are now being taken, Ringside stage seats are $15.00, and theater floor seats are $10.00. Fans can reserve seats at any time and pay for them the night of the event. Email JRamboNWL@aol.com or killerstuds@frontier.com or call 301-797-0627 for seat reservations. House of Pain Website: www.hopwf.com
HoPWF at the Apollo Civic Theatre
Phone : 304-274-3204 (Always call and confirm events.)
Email Address : killerstuds@frontier.com
Web: hopwfapollo.eventbrite.com/
Sports Shows
Attractions and Upcoming Events
WV Book Faire
This growing event is in its third year and will be a gathering of readers, authors and aspiring writers. You will have a chance to meet some of your favorite authors and acquire new ones while joining in discussion groups, participate in workshops, meeting the authors and having books signed.
Martinsburg, WV Other AttractionsRoundhouse Rail Days
July 15 - July 16, 2006 from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. Parking on-site $5 or use of free Trolley service at Train Station - Train displays & vendors - Food - Civil War Reenactors - Musical Entertainment - Historian on-site - Children's activities
Martinsburg, WV Other EventsApollo Theaterhe - Fantasticks
May 9,10 performances at 8:00pm. Tickets: Adults $15.00, children $7.00 May 11 performance at 2:30pm. Tickets: Adults $12.00, children $7.00 Directions: North on I-81 to Exit 13 (King Street) in West Virginia. Turn right onto King Street and proceed approximately 1
Martinsburg, WV Other AttractionsApollo Civic Theatre - Nunsense II
September 21, 22, 23 Fridays & Saturdays 8:00pm Sundays 2:00pm The Little Sisters of Hoboken oar back and zanier than ever! This second show in Dan Goggin's series of Nunsense musicals takes place six weeks after the sisters staged their first benefit, as a "thank-you"
Martinsburg, WV TheatresMartinsburg Bike Night 2007
BIKE NIGHT 2007 Saturday, August 18th, 6-11 pm J Factor Band, Vendors, Local Restaurants & Stores Open late Registration begins at 2-5pm. Begins at Full House Cycle's parking lot, Rt 11 Winchester, Va at 5pm with arrival downtown at 6pm. There will be a $10.00
Martinsburg, WV Other Attractions