

Whiteriver, Arizona

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Fishing/Camping/Boating Areas

The White Moutntain Apache Tribe welcomes you to the Reservation. We will make your fishing and camping experience as enjoyable and relaxing as possible. With one third of Arizona's coldwater resources (800 miles of streams and 2300 acres of reservoirs)

Whiteriver, AZ Recreation

Apache Cultural Center & Museum

Originally established in 1969, the White Mountain Apache Cultural Center stands as a monument to the Tribe's historical resiliency and ongoing commitment to celebrate and perpetuate Apache heritage.

Whiteriver, AZ Museums

Kinishba Ruins National Historic Landmark

Kinishba is a large pueblo ruin containing nine masonry buildings constructed between 1250 and 1350 A.D. by the Mogollon. The pueblo is situated on the upper end of a grass covered valley and originally had 400-500

Whiteriver, AZ Archaeology

Things to do near Whiteriver, AZ

Raven Site Indian Ruins

Raven Site sits majestically above the Little Colorado River in the White Mountains area of Arizona. The prehistoric pueblo h...

Gila County Historical Museum

Gila County Historical Museum was once used as a rescue station for the old Dominion Mine from 1914 until the 1960s. The muse...

The Craftsman Style Cottage Home

This 1915 home with original wood siding is typical of the craftsman era. As the home changed hands over time, the house was...

St. Johns Equestrian Center

The Capital of the White Mountains, St. Johns is the hub of equine activities throughout the spring and summer months. The St...