

San Luis, Arizona

Things to do near San Luis, AZ

Yuma River Tours

A narrated jet boat tour is a great way to learn about the history of the Colorado River, as well as sight a variety of birds...

BlueWater Resort and Casino

Las Vegas fun is available in Parker at the BlueWater Resort and Casino, a gaming enterprise of the Colorado River Indian Tri...

Kofa National Wildlife Refuge

The Kofa Refuge protects 665,400 acres of mountainous Sonoran Desert habitat and encompasses the Kofa and Castledome Mountain...

Saihati Camel Farm

Camels and more, home to over 20 species of animals, Saihati Camel Farm is a working breeding facility. Open to the public f...

Parker Historical Society Museum

The temporary building (donated by the Beaver family) is being used by the Historical Soceity to its capacity. There are many...