

Solon, Iowa

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Solon, IA

Communal Kitchen and Cooper Shop Museum

Authentic Amana communal kitchen house, including kitchen area and dining room, preserved as it was when the communal system ...

Pine Creek Grist Mill

Restored 1848 grist mill with intact machinery and millstones. Also visit the old country school on site....

Devonian Fossil Gorge

Historic floods during the summer of 1993 surged over the emergency spillway and eroded a 15-foot deep channel, exposing the ...

Science Station and IMAX Dome Theatre

More than 130 hands-on exhibits for all ages, educational programs, IMAX Dome Theatre....

Indian Creek Nature Center

Restored savannas, prairies and woodlands cover 210 acres. Cedar Greenbelt Recreation Trail and Sac and Fox National Recreati...