Former Congressman Ken Gray's collection of over 12,000 items, campaign memorabilia, photos, and documents from former Presidents and dignitaries; 1000 original dolls, videos, 4
West Frankfort, IL MuseumsThe former 2-story brick Logan School at the original site of Frank's Fort is now a museum featuring area mining history, memorabilia from 1802-1976, a genealogy library, the re-creation of a pioneer home, a one-room school, and the Red Geranium Tea Room serving homemade lunch 11 to 1
West Frankfort, IL Museums Course Access: Semi-Private
Holes: 18
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7
150-year old home, 3 rooms, original furniture, pictures, and personal items....
The 1828 Stage Coach Inn, Abe Lincoln stayed here as he was campaigning. Various White County artifacts are also on display....
Open 7 days a week, the winery has a tasting room for locally made wine....
Course Access: PublicHoles: 18Reserve Advance Tee Times: 7 days...
This building was the former home of Judge Sidney Breese who came to Illinois from New York. He studied law here, became Assi...