

Burnside, Illinois

Things to do near Burnside, IL

Channel Cat Water Taxi

Makes hourly stops between 2 docks in IL and 2 docks in IA with ½ hour service during peak times. Enjoy this unique Mississi...

Midwest Horseshoeing School

Throughout the 12-week program, students have countless opportunities to learn and practice a variety of horseshoeing techniq...

The Jesus Tree

The life size image of Jesus Christ holding a lamb in his arms has brought visitors from all over the world. This 150 year ol...

Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences

This downstate's largest private museum features traveling art and science exhibitions, as well as a Planetarium, Children's ...

Grow Mark Seeds

See the production, bagging and warehouse facilities of a seed production company. Grow Mark also has a greenhouse where it c...