

Auburn, Maine

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Lost Valley Ski Area

Winter: Night skiing, ski shop, rentals, Ski and Snowboard Lessons, cafeteria, lounge, nordic skiing,Corporate Racing as well as Jr. Racing, snowboard park. Summer:

Auburn, ME Skiing

Nana's Dream Museum of Miniatures

Nana's Dream is a museum of dollhouses, roomboxes, and scenes in miniature;

Auburn, ME Museums

Bel Air Services

We offer scenic flights, flight instruction, aircraft maintenance, and services for visiting aircraft. Call us for a scenic flight to enjoy the beauty of Maine'

Auburn, ME Other Attractions

Eminger Berries

As featured on The Food Network's "Road Tasted", Eminger Berries are the world's only DESSERT STUFFED Chocolate covered strawberries! Visit our Parlor of Chocolate as part of your day trip. Auburn is just 45 minutes from Portland, Augusta, and the Central Coast!

Auburn, ME Other Attractions

Things to do near Auburn, ME

Beaupre Illustration & Design Inc.

High Tech, Industrial and Medical...

Lyons Lakeside Cabins

5 rustic, private, lakeside cabins 1 mile s. of Rangeley Village. Fireplaces/woodstoves and large open porches with all moder...

Norway Historical Society

Maps, newspapers, civil war items. Open during the summer or by appointment....

Mountain Village Inn

A Bed & Breakfast on 17 acres at the entrance to Kingfield village - 7 bedrooms, 7 1/2 baths, a cafe, and several other c...