

Dale, South Carolina

Things to do near Dale, SC

Outside Hilton Head

The area's most complete outdoor outfitter offering a multitude of excellent programs. Guided kayak tours, boat excursions, f...

Coastline Rentals, Inc

Hilton Head is located off the extreme southeast corner of South Carolina, in the midst of the last major unpolluted estuary ...

Robert Smalls House

Civil War hero Robert Smalls gained fame for escaping slavery by piloting a Confederate ship, that also carried his brother J...

Re-enactment of the Battle of Parker's Ferry

On August 30, 1781 General Francis Marion and a force of four hundred Patriots battled five hundred and forty British at the ...

Colleton Museum

Located in the Old Jail (c. 1855), a tangible piece of Colleton County's history which has been placed on the National Regist...