The Civil War breastworks on the grounds of this privately owned plantation have been perfectly preserved. First-class accommodations; 7,000 acres of selected hunting land; 2,600 foot grass airstrip; Fish along the banks of our 10
Ehrhardt, SC Other AttractionsElegant Anti-Bellum style manison, nestled among 100+ year old oak, pecan, and magnolia trees abound with azaleas and camellias, containing six, oversize guest rooms;
Ehrhardt, SC Businesses Site of one of the Confederacy’s last stands against General William T. Sherman’s sweep across the South, the still-intact earthen fortifications at Rivers Bridge State Historic Site bear silent witness to the fierce battle that raged there on Feb. 2-3, 1865.
The Civil War breastworks on the southern end of this privately owned plantation were left over from the battle at Broxton Bridge in 1865
Ehrhardt, SC Other AttractionsOn Taw Caw Creek at Lake Marion, a 36-acre recreation area with fishing piers, boardwalk, boat ramp, picnic ground, nature tr...
Recently reonvated, lake accessible, fishing, golf courses....
On Lake Moultrie; water, sewer, and electricity; boat slip; black water....
Fax Extension: 184. Family owned. Golf, lakes and shopping nearby. Outdoor pool. Restaurant on-site. Pets allowed....