

Gail, Texas

Both the town and county are named for Gail Borden, Texas patriot, surveyor, editor, trustee of the Texas Baptist Education Society that founded Baylor University, inventor of condensed milk, and founder of Borden Foods.

Gail was first established as ranch supply point in 1891, and elected the county seat and only town in Borden County. Gail remains a cow town without a bank, theater, railroad, hotel, doctor, or lawyer. The courthouse is the one large building on main street.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Things to do near Gail, TX

Saints Roost Museum

Housed in former Adair Hospital founded by Cornelia Adair in 1910 for local cowboys, the museum features heirlooms from area ...

Shore Art Gallery

Traveling exhibits and works by students and faculty displayed throughout year. ...

Barrow Museum

Displays focus on early farm and ranch days of Concho County and include rare windmills, horse-drawn equipment and farm imple...

Stationmaster's House Museum

Two-building complex includes restored depot agent's home; exhibits feature home life, general history of Hansford County. Ou...

Hapgood Park

This park is host to softball and baseball tournaments as well as recreational outings for picnics. It also has an RV park fo...