

Livingston, Texas

Livingston is the trade center for a prosperous lumber and agricultural district of the fertile Trinity River Valley and the seat of Polk County. Established in 1846, Livingston was named by its founder, Moses L. Choate, for his former home in Alabama. Oil was discovered in the 1940s.

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation

Home of Alabama and Coushatta Indians, part of Southern forest tribes, in dense, wooded area known as the Big Thicket. Sam Houston, a staunch friend of Indians, was influential in having reservation created in 1850

Livingston, TX Indian Reservations

Mill Ridge Golf Club

Course Access: Public
Holes: 9
Reserve Advance Tee Times: 2

Livingston, TX Golf Courses

Things to do near Livingston, TX

B.A.Steinhagen Boat Ramps

Boatramp Name Boatramp Location Campers Cove Ramp Campers Cove Park East of FM 92 \"Free\" Magnoli...

Footbridge Garden Park

Wooded setting for 546-foot footbridge, said to be nation's longest, originally built 1861 for crossing valley during rainy s...

Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation

Home of Alabama and Coushatta Indians, part of Southern forest tribes, in dense, wooded area known as the Big Thicket. Sam Ho...

Kirby-Hill House Museum

Built in 1902 by timber tycoon John Henry Kirby for his brother James. The house was occupied by his family for 85 years. The...

Old Stone Fort

The museum is housed in a 1936 replica, built on a new site, of Don Antonio Gil Y'Barbo's stone house. Y'Barbo, founder of Na...