

Bowden, West Virginia

Attractions and Upcoming Events

Kids All American Fishing Derby (Bowden)

Kids All American Fishing Derby will be held at Bowden National Fish Hatchery for children 3 - 14 years of age. Free goody bags and t-shirts while supplies last. Prize for the biggest fish. 7:30 - 1:00 Registration.
8:00 - 9:00 Fishing for Pre-School and Kindergarten age Children.

Bowden, WV Other Attractions

Lewisburg Foray -WV Mushroom Club

Saturday September 1, 2007
Mushroom expert Walt Sturgeon will teach us about wild mushrooms during the West Virginia Mushroom Club's Labor Day weekend foray. Held in Greenbrier State Forest.
Program: We will meet in Greenbrier State Forest, at Shelter 2 at 10:00

Bowden, WV Other Attractions

Things to do near Bowden, WV

Fort Ashby's Spring Craft Festival

Held on June 17th from 10-5pm Spring Craft Festival, including tours of Ashby's Fort, arts & craft displays, French and India...

Green Bank StarQuest Star Party

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and Green Bank Star Quest present the 4th annual Star Quest Star Party. Join us at ...

Purple Fiddle - July Concerts

The Purple Fiddle is a family-friendly and smoke-free music venue located in Thomas, WV, just 2 miles north of Blackwater F...

NORBA National Championship Mountain Biking Series

One of only four National Off-Road Biking Association (NORBA) sanctioned National Championship races in the country. This fou...

Blackwater Falls State Park - Septemberfest Senior Fling

A variety of programs and activities especially planned for the 50+ crowd* Planned trips, meals, activities and more...... ...