

Explore McHenry County

Opera House of Woodstock

Built before 1900 in a style called Steamboat Gothic, the opera house hosts musicals, dramas, dance and touring groups. Erected in 1889, the Opera House was designed and constructed by Elgin based architect Smith Hoag at a cost of $25,000

Woodstock, IL Opera Houses

Chester Gould - Dick Tracy Museum

The Chester Gould - Dick Tracy Museum, a non-for-profit organization, was established to display, promote and honor the work and life of Chester Gould, creator of the "Dick Tracy" comic strip, who resided for fifty years in Woodstock, Illinois. The Museum is housed in Woodstock'

Woodstock, IL Museums

Raging Buffalo Snowboard Park

Check out this great new sport at the nation'

Algonquin, IL Skiing

Country Cabin Orchard and Nursery

U-pick apple orchard with 8 varieties. Also includes a petting zoo, gift shop, wagon rides, pumpkin patch, Christmas trees, donuts, pies, bakery, and Fall nursery. Open mid September through December 24

Woodstock, IL Farm Life

Challenger Learning Center for Science & Technology

The mission of the Challenger Learning Center is to honor the memory and spirit of the Space Shuttle Challenger 51-L crew by providing hands-on space exploration curriculum and center that enhances thinking skills and inspires those to meet the challenges of 21

Woodstock, IL Science Centers

Illinois Railway Museum

The award winning Illinois Railway Museum celebrats over 50

Union, IL Railroad History

Lippold Park Family Golf Center

The Mini Putt courses have been designed with separate themes. One course, Sports-N-Courts is handicapped accessible, has a sports theme and is a par 40 course. The second course, Tees-N-Trees is a par 41

Crystal Lake, IL Fun Centers

Von Bergens Country Market

Vegetables of all kinds where you can see them grow. Fall - farm animals, pumpkin picking, train ride, decorations, craft corner. Annual antique tractor show last Saturday in September. Seasonal operation - mid July through October 31

Hebron, IL Farm Life

McHenry County Historical Society Museum

Preserved buildings include an 1847 log cabin, an 1885 town hall, an 1895 one-room school house, and a 20

Union, IL Museums

70 metre Ski Jump

70 metre high ski scaffold high on a hill overlooking Fox River Grove and beyond. Also 4

Fox River Grove, IL Skiing

Prairie Labyrinth

Prairie Labyrinth is a 110'

Harvard, IL Shrines

Explore McHenry County