

Rice County, KS

Rice CountyThe Santa Fe National Historic Trail runs East to West through Rice County along Highway 56. Throughout the years many artifacts left by both the Native Americans and the pioneers have been found along the trail. These artifacts are being preserved and exhibited in the Coronado-Quivira Museum in Lyons. The history of the Santa Fe Trail through Rice County has been written in numerous books and articles.

Although many of the ruts and sites of the old trail are no longer visible, the Santa Fe Trail still lives on today. New information is being researched and published daily relating to all the colorful characters and places: early Indian traders and travelers, Spanish explorers, French trappers, emigrants, gold seekers, adventures, military personnel, traders, merchants, and the women of trail, both Hispanic and Anglo, by the thousands.

Explore Rice County

Union Soldiers Memorial

Proudly displayed on the Northeast corner of the Lyons Town Square stands the Memorial erected in 1918 to commenorate the service of our Union Soldiers - "Lest We Forget".

Lyons, KS Memorials

Santa Fe Trail Historic Driving Tour

Marker Cottonwood - This giant cottonwood tree, believed to be more than 200 years old, served as a marker to guide travelers to the upper crossing of the Arkansas River. Upper and Lower Crossings of The Little Arkansas River

Lyons, KS Tours

Buffalo Bill Mathewson's Well

In 1863, "Buffalo" Bill Mathewson opened a trading post next to Cow Creek Crossing. His hand-dug, 34

Lyons, KS Landmarks

Bushton Museum

The Bushton Museum recreates small town America in years gone by with exhibits that change yearly. The museum is located in two connecting buildings. One, the old Drug Store with a working soda fountain, the other, the old Bank with the vault still visible today.

Bushton, KS Museums

Father Padilla Cross and Historic Marker

This cross was erected in 1950 by the Kansas Knights of Columbus to honor Father Juan Padilla who accompanied Coronado to Kansas in 1541. He returned in 1542

Lyons, KS Landmarks

Coronado Quivira Museum

Sponsored by the Rice County Historical Society, the Coronado Quivira Museum has on display artifacts representing the Quiviran Indian culture, Coronado's journey to this area in 1541, the Santa Fe Trail, 1821 to 1872, and Rice County, 1902

Lyons, KS Museums

Rice County Courthouse

The historic Rice County Courthouse built of red brick and featuring a four directional clock tower was built in 1910

Lyons, KS Historic Courthouses

Serpent Intaglio

The Serpent Intaglio was dug by the Indians sometime around 1200-1300 A.D., and is approximately 160 ft. long and varies in width from 4 ft. to 10

Lyons, KS Archaeology

Explore Rice County