

LaBette County, KS

LaBette County"For A Change Of Pace"

Labette County has a proud history. It was created by the Territorial Legislature of 1854, and was named Dorn--after the Osage agent Major Andrew Jackson Dorn.

The first state legislature in Kansas renamed the county Neosho and the county seat was located at Erie.

In 1866, residents of the area petitioned the Legislature to provide a county of their own. The result was the first of Labette County, named after the French trader Pierre Beatte.

There are unique sites to visit in each community. Near the historical museum in Parsons, you'll also find the Iron Horse Museum. Parsons boasts being the Purple Martin Capital of the state.

Chetopa stakes its claim as being the Catfish Capital of Kansas. Its river-park is one of the few places in the world that provide fishermen the thrill of snagging big, spoonbill fish.

Oswego is the county seat. It, like the other communities in the county, seems to be the perfect representation of that quiet little town in the midwest that you read about in books. This is a place that time has honored by allowing many of the simple pleasures of a happier time to remain side by side with the advances of modern technology.

You'll find clean air, star-filled skies, the beauty of the outdoors, and the friendly folks that call this peaceful corner of Kansas home. Come visit us, soon.

Explore LaBette County

Oswego Murals

National Patriotic Themes - This mural is painted on a side building behind the Visitor Center Caboose at Hiways 59 and 96. It was painted in 1992 by Mary Faye (Casey)

Oswego, KS Arts

Altamont Swimming Pool

Hours: Daily 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Family Swim: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Swim Lessons To be announced Sign up by calling City Office 784-5612 Pool Parties: Call 620-820-9090 $40: 1-25, $60: 26-50, $80: 51 &

Altamont, KS Swimming

Neosho River Dam Fishing

Recreational opportunities abound with the Neosho River offering fine fishing for catfish, bass, and the annual paddlefish season occurring in Mid-to-late March. In fact, Chetopa is the "Catfish Capital of Kansas"

Chetopa, KS Fishing

Altamont Park Building

The perfect place to hold your next family reunion, birthday party or baby shower.

Altamont, KS Community Centers

Carnegie Arts Center

Opened in 1909 and formerly the Carnegie Library, the Carnegie Arts Center, is being transformed into a versatile new arts facility. Celebrations plans for the 100th Anniversary of the Carnegie are scheduled for May 2009

Parsons, KS Art Centers

Parsons Municipal Auditorium

The Parsons Municipal Auditorium is a classic, 1920s-era civic auditorium. For more than 50

Parsons, KS Historic Buildings

Oswego Historical Society Museum

The collection includes photographs and memorabilia of Oswego's early days - back to 1841 when it was known officially as "Little Town.

Oswego, KS Museums

Smith-Hollingsworth Log Home

The log cabin home was built on this site in 1867

Oswego, KS Pioneer History

Louie P Gartner Recreation Area

Campers & bicyclists camp at the Idle Hour Lake at the Louie P Gartner Recreation Area while others enjoy playing Frisbee golf in a rustic, nature filled environment. 18 new DGA Mach II holes around the Louie P. Gartner/

Altamont, KS Recreation


Elmore Park offers 28 public spaces with hookups, dump sites, and drinking water.

$10.00 per night for campers at improved sites, with or without electricity; $2.00 per night for tents at sites without hookups. Travel North on 3

Chetopa, KS RV Parks

Veterans Park

Monuments, swimming, play ground equipment/

Chetopa, KS City Parks

Explore LaBette County