Sioux County, NE

Harrison is the county seat and the only incorporated village in Sioux County and the highest elevation of any Nebraska town at 4,876 feet as it rests on a grassy plain atop the Pine Ridge. A few miles north of town, Sowbelly, Monroe, and Hat Creek Canyon offer deeply wooded trails and cool, clear streams.
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, located 23 miles south of Harrison on Highway 29 features one of the world's outstanding deposits of mammal fossils. Two short, self-guiding trails lead to 20 million year old fossil deposits exposed in place.
Fort Robinson is located 23 miles east of Harrison on U.S. 20. The University of Nebraska Trailside Museum and the Nebraska State Historical Society Museum provide many fascinating exhibits depicting the area's prehistoric past to life at the frontier Army post.
Toadstool Park and Hudson-Meng Bison Bone Bed site are located in the northeastern corner of Sioux County. Thousands of unusual rock formations formed when cemented soils of different hardness weathered and eroded. The Hudson-Meng Bison Bone Bed site reveals the remains of over 600 extinct Plains bison.
Sioux County offers three circle tours: Monuments, Canyons, and Agate. Routes are indicated on maps available at various Harrison businesses.
Explore Sioux County
Swimming and Tennis - The town of Harrison offers several types of recreational facilities in the Grade School Park one block west of the Sioux County Courthouse. A combination tennis and basketball court along with a children'
Harrison, NE RecreationSioux Sundries - 28 oz Hamburger
Sioux Sundries is the home of the "Coffeeburger," 28 ounces of lean ground beef, which was featured on CBS's Sunday Morning. Sioux Sundries has provided this creative "historical account" of America's largest hamburger.
Harrison, NE One Of A Kinds
Agate Fossil Beds National Monument
Located on the Niobrara River in northwestern Nebraska, the Agate Fossil Beds and its surrounding prairie are preserved in a 3,000 acre National Monument. Once part of "Captain" James H. Cook's Agate Springs Ranch, the nearby beds are an important source for 19.2
Harrison, NE MonumentsOglala National Grassland
One of only 20 national grasslands managed by the USDA Forest Service, the Oglala National Grassland is a virtual ocean of prairie grasses, stretching from horizon to horizon over nearly 95,000 acres. The Grassland is one of the world'
Harrison, NE National GrasslandsSioux County Circle Tours
Sioux County offers three interesting and educational circle tours. Maps are available at various Harrison businesses.
Monument Tour
Harrison, NE ToursSioux County Museum
Welcome to the Sioux County Museum Complex. Four Buildings contain artifacts representative of the character and history of Sioux County from its earliest days into the 20th century.
Main Museum
Harrison, NE MuseumsHudson-Meng Bison Kill
When Albert Meng was preparing to build a pond in the early 1950
Harrison, NE ArchaeologyWarbonnet Battlefield Site
On the summit of a conical hill on the Oglala National Grassland is a monument honoring Col. Wesley Merritt and troops of the Fifth US Calvary who used this position to prevent a group of approximately 800
Harrison, NE Battlefields