Explore McKinley County
Casamero Pueblo
Single structure, 22 groud-floor rooms, 6 rooms on 2nd story. Once occupied by Chacoan Ancestral Pueblo people between A.D 1000 and 1125
Thoreau, NM ArchaeologyCany Kitchen Wolf Rescue Ranch
Rescued/captive-born wolves, wolf dogs(arctic, timber, tundra)
Ramah, NM Wildlife AreasGallup Cultural Center
Gallery of the Masters, Kiva Cinema, Storyteller Museum, Angela'
Gallup, NM Cultural CentersChaco Culture National Historic Park
World Heritage Site, 13 major ruins, 47 campsites, most sophisticated 12th-century Ancestral Pueblo economic/ceremonial center in U.S. In the 25,000
Crownpoint, NM Archaeology