

Explore Luna County

Butterfield Trail

From El Paso to Deming, Lordsburg, Las Cruces, Silver City. Inner Loop: 75

Deming, NM Tours

U.S. / Mexico Port of Entry

New Mexico's only 24-hour crossing in award-winning building, 2

Columbus, NM Museums

Tumbleweed Theater

Gourmet dinners, Fri-Sun. 120

Columbus, NM Theatres

Florida Mountains

Gym Peak at 7,106 feet, Florida Peak at 7,295 feet. Seasonal quail / ibex hunts, by permit, applications due early April. 15

Deming, NM Natural Attractions

City of Rocks State Park

Rocks form centuries-old volcanic-ash flow, some 50

Deming, NM Natural Attractions

Pancho Villa State Park

Site of March 9, 1916, Villa raid on U.S. Camp Furlong site. Botanical Garden, visitors center, 61

Columbus, NM Battlesites

Historic Walking Tour

16 Buildings on State Historic Registry, 4 on National Registry of Historic Places, including post office, St. Anne'

Deming, NM Tours

Explore Luna County