White Tank Hiking
category : Hiking

In addition, there are 2.5 miles of pedestrian-only trails. These include two short trails that are hard-surfaced and barrier free. Waterfall Trail is barrier-free to Petroglyph Plaza, about 4/10 of a mile from the parking lot. The short loop of Black Rock Trail, which is about � miles long, begins at Ramada 4.
Competitive Track
White Tank Mountain Regional Park offers an approximately 10-mile Competitive Track in addition to its trails. The Competitive Track is designed to provide challenging, strenuous, and high-speed outdoor recreation for individuals, groups, and organized events. All competitive tracks are multiple-use. They are designed for cross-country runners and joggers, fast bicyclists and racers, and trotting/galloping equestrians and endurance riders.
Admission: $6.00 per vehicle entry fee is required.
Hours: Open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sun - Thurs and 10 p.m. Fri & Sat.
Address: 4 miles W on Olive Street off Hwy 303
Phone: 623-935-2505
Our Email: DonHarris@mail.maricopa.gov
Our Website:www.maricopa.gov/parks/white_tank
Come visit us in White Tank Regional Park, Arizona