

Heartland Country, Kansas

Buhler Hutchinson Bushton Oxford Wellington Caldwell Conway Springs Anthony Kiowa Hardtner Medicine Lodge Kingman Pretty Prairie Halstead Newton Hesston Sylvia Stafford St. John Lyons Ellinwood Great Bend Pawnee Rock Hoisington

From the buttes and mesas of the Gypsum Hills clear to the stars, the contrasts of Heartland Country will amaze you. If it's adventure you crave, blast off at the Kansas Cosmosphere & Space Center, where you'll see a full-scale replica of the Space Shuttle, the world's largest collection of space suits, and a collection of space memorabilia second only to the Smithsonian. Then, come in for a slow landing at Yoder as you pass an Amish horse and buggy amidst fields of golden wheat. You can always whoop it up later with the cowboys and cowgirls at the state's largest night rodeo in Pretty Prairie, or take a trail ride of your own across one of the great expansive wildlife preserves. Follow your own across one of the great expansive wildlife preserves. Follow your heart to Lindsborg -- "Little Sweden U.S.A" -- where Swedish traditions and Old World charm (with memorabilia from the St. Louis World's Fair) have been enjoyed for nearly 120 years. Before you leave Heartland Country, you're sure to find a little bit of your heart.

Explore Heartland Country

Kiowa Historical Society Museums

Kiowa Historical Society is located in the old City Building/Jail and the Kiowa School Museum is located at 5

Kiowa, KS Museums


The Greater Hutchinson Convention/Visitors Bureau will help to create an adventurous experience or provide ideas to create your own. Services include: Group Tour Planner Tour Planning Assistance Sample Itineraries Agriculture & History Arts & Theatre Aviation Nature/Ecology

Hutchinson, KS Tours

Harvey County West Park Camping

Campers will find a variety of campsites with electricity as well as a number of primitive sites both with access to restrooms and bathhouses.

, KS Camping

Harvey County West Park

Harvey County West Park is approximately 17.5 northwest of Newton on 310 acres. Located on the Little Arkansas River, this heavily wooded park provides ample opportunity for enjoying the natural beauty of this area. No hunting is allowed here. There is a 16

Newton, KS Recreation

Mennonite Settler Statue

The tallest, sturdiest Mennonite in Kansas stands seventeen feet tall in the Athletic Park. He is the Mennonite Settler Statue built in 1942

Newton, KS Landmarks

The Flag Theatre

Winner of a Governor's Award of Excellence, The Flag is home to the Family/Children's Theatre, Kansas' only festival stage complex - a dynamic, flexible and acoustically superior space, seating 315. The Family/Children'

Hutchinson, KS Theatres

Riverside Park

Kingman's Riverside Park is the only island park in Kansas and is complete with a walking path, baseball fields, horseshoe pits, swimming pool, two play areas, fairgrounds, rodeo arena, sand volleyball and fishing pond.

Kingman, KS Parks

Memorial Library

The Nora E. Larabee Memorial Library is a memorial to the only daughter of two of the town's leading citizens. The building is built of red brick, and has beautiful beveled glass windows, gargoyle rain spouts, 20

Stafford, KS Historic Buildings

Carry Nation Home

Carry A. Nation was a woman who changed the course of Kansas history. In 1880

Medicine Lodge, KS Famous Homes

The Chisholm Trail

The city of Wellington, Kansas, lies just 7 miles east of the cattle trail of the 1870's that led to the largest cattle market of its time in the entire world. While those days are over 120

Wellington, KS Pioneer History

Riggs/Waterloo Aboretum

Established by John Water Riggs, the Riggs Arboretum at Waterloo is perhaps the oldest and least known arboretum west of the Mississippi River. The property is in essence a large (10 acre) grove of trees, most ranging in age from 75 to 100+

Kingman, KS Arboretums

City Parks

Anthony has four public parks with picnic and playground equipment, a ball diamond complex that offers playing fields for all ages, six hard surfaced tennis courts and two outside basketball courts.

Anthony, KS Recreation

Explore Heartland Country