

Lewis and Clark Region, Nebraska

The mighty Missouri River defines the northern and eastern borders of this region first explored by Lewis and Clark in 1804. It was the winding road navigated by trappers, traders and Native American Indians. For centuries, it has fed and shaped the personality of this fertile land. Poet John Neihardt was greatly moved by the river and the spiritual heritage of the Native Americans of the region. His work chronicles and preserves the richness of the Sioux and Omaha Indian cultures. It's a land of beauty and wonder that is sure to bring out the explorer in anyone.

Explore Lewis and Clark Region


Visit the historic depots in the downtown district of Fremont in the vicinity of 1st and "D" Streets. There is the two-story brick Chicago & Northwestern Freight House built in 1903 after C&NW gained control of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley Railroad which began in 1869 (now the Fremont &

Fremont, NE Railroad History

Tekamah City Bridge - NHR

The Tekamah City Bridge is included on the National Register of Historic Places due to its age, integrity, engineering method and manner of construction. The bridge is a concrete rigid-frame style, developed in Westchester County, New York, in the early 1920

Tekamah, NE National Register

Combs School Museum

The Combs School was erected in 1887 at Omadi. The Missouri River began to undermine the town, so it was moved to Tom Smith's claim south of Homer. When the Burlington Railroad was built, the school was found to be on railroad property, so it was again moved south of Homer on Highway 77

South Sioux City, NE Museums

Pawnee Indian Village Mural

This scene shows the Pawnee Indian Village which was located one mile south of Genoa, Nebraska from 1858 to 1878, with their great Chief Petalesharo in the foreground. It is a picture of a large mural, 9' x 38'

Genoa, NE Arts

Hooper Historic District

The Hooper Historic District listed on the National Register of Historic Places consists almost entirely of one and two-story brick commercial buildings located along main street. Dating from the late nineteenth century, the district is a well-preserved village of "American Renaissance"

Hooper, NE National Register

Adam's House Museum

The Adam's House was built in 1882 by E.D. Ayers, a druggist in Ponca in the nineteenth century. In 1904, the house was purchased by Sam and Della Adams who had farmed in Silvercreek Township for several years prior to purchasing the house. In 1934

Ponca, NE Museums

Cedar County Courthouse

The Cedar County courthouse listed on the National Register of Historic Places, was built in 1892 by area builder, Henry Stuckenhoff, at a cost of $19,999

Hartington, NE Historic Courthouses

Bloomfield City Park

The City of Bloomfield has two parks. The City Park

Bloomfield, NE Campgrounds

Deutsche Evangelische Lutherische St. Johannes

St. John's German Evangelical Lutheran Church is an excellent example of a German folk version of the Gothic Revival style. Unique in its rich wood and metal detailing, St. John's is one of the finest and least altered frame churches in Nebraska.

Lyons, NE Historic Churches

Niobrara SP Outdoor Activities

Niobrara State Park offers a modern swimming pool; horseback trail rides, led by wranglers; fishing in the old park lagoon and in nearby rivers; hiking the 14 miles of trail;

, NE Outdoor Activities

Explore Lewis and Clark Region