Pine Ridge Region, Nebraska

Pine Ridge beckons to those who love a dramatic, mystical landscape with apast to match. The terrain will test the skills of backpackers and hikers of every level. Developed horse trails and camping areas help you meet Mother Nature up close and personal. Study the most fascinating sagas of the Old West, carefully preserved in museums and other attractions.
Explore Pine Ridge Region
Sheridan County Courthouse - NHR (Rushville)
Organized in 1885, Sheridan County named Rushville as its county seat in 1888. The county initially rented office space. In February 1904
Gordon, NE National RegisterAgate Fossil Beds National Monument
Located on the Niobrara River in northwestern Nebraska, the Agate Fossil Beds and its surrounding prairie are preserved in a 3,000 acre National Monument. Once part of "Captain" James H. Cook's Agate Springs Ranch, the nearby beds are an important source for 19.2
Harrison, NE MonumentsRushville Museum
The Rushville Museum moved in to the 1890 Armstrong House in 1960
Gordon, NE MuseumsBordeaux Trading Post
From about 1857 to 1876, an Indian "trading post" occupied a site near here. Built by James Bordeaux, the trading station was often attacked and set afire by hostile Crow warriors. Fortunately some friendly Sioux Indians came to the rescue and drove off the attacking Crow.
Crawford, NE Pioneer Life
Swimming and Tennis - The town of Harrison offers several types of recreational facilities in the Grade School Park one block west of the Sioux County Courthouse. A combination tennis and basketball court along with a children'
Harrison, NE RecreationPioneer Mural
The mural located in downtown Gordon created in 1991 expresses the pioneer growth of the area in the late 1800s and early 1900
Gordon, NE ArtsChadron State Park Horse Trails
Horseback trail rides and Jeep rides provide spectacular views of the area. There are no free range horse trails located on the park property except for what is used by the park's one mile trail rides. However, the Pine Ridge Ranger District, south of Chadron offers many miles of trails. The Robert'
, NE EquestrianGordon Golf and Country Club
You will be challenged by a tough nine-hole grass greens course, "the best in the west," located on the west edge of town.
Several tournaments are sponsored during the season. Youth activities are important at the club and visitors are always welcome.
Gordon, NE Recreation
Oglala National Grassland
One of only 20 national grasslands managed by the USDA Forest Service, the Oglala National Grassland is a virtual ocean of prairie grasses, stretching from horizon to horizon over nearly 95,000 acres. The Grassland is one of the world'
Harrison, NE National GrasslandsChadron State Park Cabins
Chadron State Park has lodging accommodations to fit your needs, with 22 housekeeping cabins; 16 have two double beds, while 6
, NE CabinsMari Sandoz 1896-1966
The fears, the passions, and the distinctive speech of the Western Nebraska homesteader come alive in the writings of Mari Sandoz. She was born on her father's homestead on the Niobrara River in northwestern Nebraska, May 11, 1896
Gordon, NE Famous People