Big Bend Country, Texas

In Big Bend Country, the sky's no limit. Nowhere else in Texas do the stars at night shine quite so bright or the sunsets seems quite so rosy. Here, too, the earth displays its own vigor. Prickly pear cacti bloom with fuschia ferocity and golden exuberance as desert vistas shimmer far into the distance. Nomadic tumbleweeds bounce erratically across lonesome prairies, and craggy mountain peaks form a jagged phalanx on the horizon. Nature needs no introduction in this awe-inspiring terrain.
Explore Big Bend Country
Fate Bell Shelter
Fate Bell Shelter is located in Seminole Canyon State Historical Park. The shelter, which is a state archeological landmark, was named after Mrs. Fate Bell, who owned the land that the shelter occupies. Fate Bell Shelter is a deeply stratified rock shelter containing evidence of over 8,000
Langtry, TX ArchaeologyGuadalupe Mountains Equine Trails
The park offers diverse riding opportunities. Sixty percent of the trails are open to stock use. Those closed to stock are difficult to maintain or pass through unique and fragile areas intolerant of such use. Stock manure droppings introduce exotic plants that displace native vegetation.
, TX EquestrianGuadalupe Mountains Camping
Backcountry Campgrounds For those who wish to enjoy an arduous backpacking experience there are 10
, TX CampingBig Bend National Park Trails
Big Bend National park is a hiker's paradise containing the largest expanse of roadless public lands in Texas. More than 150 miles of trails offer opportunities for day hikes or backpacking trips. Elevations range from 1,800 feet at the eastern end of Boquillas Canyon to 7,825
, TX HikingThe Post
Located five miles south of town on the Post Road lies what remains of old Fort Pena Colorado, built in 1879 to protect area residents from Indian raids.
Marathon, TX Historic FortsBig Bend Equestrian Use
Visitors to the park are welcome to bring and use personally owned livestock as long as they understand and abide by the rules and regulations governing the use of livestock. A day use permit is required for all stock use and may be obtained at any visitor center, free of charge.
, TX EquestrianBig Bend Ranch State Park Equine Trails
Daily/Hourly horseback rides are offered at the Sauceda Ranch Headquarters with Park staff guiding visitors through some of park's canyon trails. For information and reservations please call office (432)229-3416
, TX EquestrianSeminole Canyon State Park Interpretive Center
The Interpretive Center at the Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site has exhibits relating to the history of the canyon area. Tours of the Fate Bell Shelter are held daily Wednesday through Sunday. From June 1st through August 31st the Fate Bell Tour will be held at 10
, TX Visitors CentersAdobe Courthouse
Under a neat white stucco sheath, the 1919 Hudspeth County Courthouse is the Southwest's only in-use governmental structure of adobe. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Sierra Blanca, TX Historic CourthousesFr. Alfred Villanueva, the current pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church, had a grotto built in the church yard in honor of "Our Lady." The statue was brought over from Portugal and blessed during an outdoor mass on Mother's Day, 2001
Van Horn, TX Shrines