PHELPS'S HOG HEAVEN 511 W. 5th Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-688-6360
We have a self-contained BBQ trailer that serves tender and juicy BBQ. We would be happy to bring our trailer to your local fesitval or event. |
SUNFLOWER SODA FOUNTAIN 130 W. 9th St. Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-251-2424
Come and sit and enjoy some good old fashion ice cream delights.
Don't forget we have other goodies for you to help put a smile
on your face.
SIRLOIN STOCKADE 104-1/2 W. 11th Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-251-1323
MCDONALD'S 302 W. 11th Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-251-3330
PIZZA HUT 1612 W. 11th Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-251-4520
UTOPIA - COFFEE & TEA 206 W. 10th Coffeyville, KS 67337 620-688-6742
You're always welcome to sit, relax and
enjoy your choice of beverage at our
"Utopia" Coffee and Tea establishment. |