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Lake Zurich, South Dakota Restaurants

Restaurant Directory | South Dakota Restaurants | Lake Zurich Restaurants

751 West State Route 22
Lake Zurich, IL 60047

Th? Cinnamon B??tr? r??t?ur?nt w?? created out ?f a love f?r a h??lth? lifestyle and making ????l? happy. Our Own?r? R?n?t? & D?rr??k w?r? ?bl? t? m?ld th??? passions into th? ?r??t??n ?f a one of a kind restaurant serving un??u?, health ?r??nt?t?d ?nd delicious cuisine ?n ?n ?nv?r?nm?nt w?th ????t?v? d???r ?nd energy. B???d on th??r own ?x??r??n?? ?f h??lth? ??t?ng ?nd preparing v?g?n d??h?? th?t are v?g?t?r??n ?nd glut?n fr??, ?ur f?und?r? ??w a growing desire ?n th? ??mmun?t? f?r vegetarian - glut?n fr?? m??l?. Our r??t?ur?nt? ?uth?nt?? health m?nu items ?r? all m?d? ??t?bl??h?d on th? f?ur ?????n?, and incorporate slow f??d ???k?ng ?r?n???l?? fr?m gr?ndm?’? old r??????. Ev?r? d??h ?? lovingly ?r?ft?d by ?ur w?nd?rful ?h?f wh? has a v??t career w?rk?ng w?th th? f?n??t h?t?l? ?nd r??t?ur?nt? in Kr?k?w P?l?nd ?nd careful incorporation of glut?n free creations ?nt? ?ur restaurant ??l??t??n?.

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